
Project Development

Agriculture is by far the single most important economic activity in Africa. It provides employment for about two-thirds of the continent's working population.

Each country contributes an average of 30 to 60 percent of gross domestic product and about 30 percent of the value of exports. Nonetheless, arable land and land under permanent crops occupy only about 6 percent of Africa's total land area.

With agriculture investment in Sub-Saharan Africa estimated as being 11 times more effective in reducing poverty than investment in any other sector, a blended finance fund focused on smallholder farmers and micro small and medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) agribusinesses could make a major contribution to food security, economic growth, and poverty reduction, while demonstrating that agriculture can be profitable business.

ADCC is looking for innovative ways to farm. Maybe you’re interested in teaching Agriculture to young people. That will provide sustainable livelihoods for generations. We’re also looking for expertise in food processing.

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